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HGF is ranked as a top tier firm in Legal 500 2023

September 2022

HGF has been recommended as a top tier firm in PATMA Trade Mark Attorneys and in the North West in The Legal 500 United Kingdom 2023 rankings. We continue to be highly ranked in Tier 2 in the regions of:

  • PATMA – Patent Attorneys
  • Midlands – Law
  • Yorkshire & The Humber – Law

The firm is also ranked in Tier 6 for London Trade Marks, Copyrights & Designs.

We would like to congratulate our CEO Martyn FishJanet Knowles and Antony Gold who are listed as “Leading individuals” as well as Marie McMorrow who is listed in the “Hall of Fame” and Michelle Davies who is listed as a “Next generation Partner”.

This success and the below testimonials are an indictment of our mission to provide our clients with the highest quality service, technical excellence and commercial advice.


PATMA – Trade Mark Attorneys

‚With offices in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, France and Ireland, HGF Limited’s sizeable trade mark practice assists well-known multinational companies with portfolio management, oppositions and litigation proceedings. The team is noted for its capability in the filing of UK and EU trade marks, and has demonstrable experience across the pharmaceuticals, automotive, food and beverage, media and entertainment, finance and retail sectors. In Leeds, David Potter heads up the trade marks team and advises clients in the entertainment and retail arenas on protection matters. Martyn Fish was promoted to CEO in July 2021, following the retirement of Paul Sanderson, and Jason Lumber is chairman of the firm. From the firm’s office in London, Geoff Smith advises fashion and retail sector clients on international trade mark protection strategies, and Jonathan Thurgood handles registration and enforcement matters. Other key members of the team include Birmingham-based Rebecca Field, and trade mark directors Claire Jones and Manchester-based Lauren Somers.‘

North West

HGF Law, a specialist IP firm, acts for clients within the life sciences, education and retail sectors on soft and hard IP matters. The team is able to draw on teams of specialist patent and trade mark attorney colleagues for technical advice. Practice head Janet Knowles has particular expertise within the life sciences industry and in working with educational institutions and their spin-out companies. Legal director Michelle Davies is a transactional IP specialist. Antony Gold stepped down as partner in 2021 and is now a consultant for the practice.‘

Yorkshire and The Humber

‚Noted for its expertise in high-value patent litigation, the Leeds-based team at HGF is well-placed to leverage the firm’s European footprint to handle cross-border IP mandates across numerous industries, notably the healthcare and retail sectors. Practice leader Martyn Fish has considerable experience in IP litigation, while senior solicitor James Talbot advises clients across the technology, life sciences and retail sectors on transactional matters, including brand management and licensing. The team counts Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Limited, Pearlfisher and Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Europe Limited among its key roster of clients.‘

West Midlands

HGF Law has a standalone IP practice with expertise in contentious and transactional matters across all matters of IP including trade marks, copyright, designs and patents. The group has a particular focus on advanced manufacturing, healthcare, retail and food and drink. Marie McMorrow takes the lead, and handles disputes involving complex patent litigation, breaches of confidentiality, trademarks, anti-counterfeiting and copyright infringements. James Talbot and Christopher Robinson  are both important senior members of the team.‘

PATMA – Patent attorneys

‚On account of its strong European presence, with offices in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Ireland, HGF Limited is well-placed to manage the patent portfolios of multinational corporations and continues to demonstrate its capability in EPO opposition and appeal proceedings. The team, which has an impressive track record in original patent drafting for universities in the UK, is well-versed across the healthcare (including pharmaceutical, life sciences and medical devices), electronics, chemistry and engineering sectors. In Manchester, Chris Benson leads the electronics practice and Andrew Wells heads up the chemistry group, while Lucy Johnson spearheads the engineering team. Kate Taylor leads the life sciences team from the firm’s office in York, and Birmingham-based Chris Moore heads up the oppositions practice. In Leeds, Martyn Fish stepped in as the firm’s CEO, following the retirement of Paul Sanderson in July 2021, and Jason Lumber is the firm’s chairman, while London-based Rachel Fetches is head of law.‘

About Legal 500

Legal 500 is the leading guide to law firms and solicitors in the UK. It offers all of those buying legal services in the UK reliable and up-to-date information on the very best firms and individuals operating in a dynamic legal market.

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