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1000 Companies to Inspire Britain

November 2020

HGF are delighted to be identified in London Stock Exchange Group’s ‘1000 Companies to Inspire Britain’ 2020 report.

  • HGF recognised in seventh edition of London Stock Exchange Group’s 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain report
  • Report identifies fastest-growing and most dynamic small and medium sized businesses across the UK
  • HGF is one of Europe’s leading firms of Intellectual Property specialists. The firm is one of only a few to offer a fully integrated IP solution, bringing over 200 patent attorneys, trade mark attorneys and IP solicitors together to provide a full-service IP solution. The firm has 21 offices throughout Europe in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands and Switzerland.

HGF has been identified as one of London Stock Exchange Group’s ‘1000 Companies to Inspire Britain’ 2020. The report recognises the UK’s fastest-growing and most dynamic small and medium sized businesses*, highlighting the regional and sector diversity of the UK’s SMEs and the entrepreneurial spirit shown by these companies.

To be featured in the report, businesses had to demonstrate strong revenue growth over the last three years and outperform their sector peers, creating a unique list of the UK’s most innovative SMEs. Further details on the 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain report and methodology can be found online at www.1000companies.com.

Paul Sanderson CEO, HGF comments:

 “This report highlights the vital role of SME’s in driving economic growth. HGF is a young company with a European footprint that has been ambitious in its growth, growing organically and significantly over the last 25 years. The company has shown resilience and entrepreneurship over the last 8 months of the pandemic and we look forward to continuing this growth in the post Covid 19 economy.”

Alastair Da Costa Partner & Strategic Development Director, HGF comments:

 “The firm has risen to the challenges of 2020 head on. Our team have been central to this success and despite the challenges they have shown resilience and creativity in ensuring that we continue to grow in these unpredictable times.  Our business has benefited from state-of-the-art technology solutions at the core of our service both from a client perspective and also creating efficiencies within the business. HGF along with the other companies listed here are a genuine success story of the British SME market and their entrepreneurial spirit and dynamic approach to growth which is important to celebrate in the current environment.”  

About HGF

HGF Ltd is one of Europe’s leading firms of Intellectual Property specialists bringing over 200 patent attorneys, trade mark attorneys and IP solicitors together to provide a full-service IP solution. With the aim to be the leading IP advisor in Europe HGF are well on the way to achieving this. In terms of legal directory listings, volume of filings and geographical reach, HGF is one of Europe’s largest IP firms.

As part of a strategic plan the firm has continued to grow with the merger of HGF & Patronus IP which extends their reach across Germany and Austria in Munich, Heidelberg, Salzburg and deepened the existing foundations for further expansion into Europe. The firm’s expansion also included the opening of offices in Dublin and in Bern, taking the total to 21 offices throughout the UK and Europe. The firm continues to see tremendous growth and success and has recently been named by The Financial Times as one of the FT Europe’s leading Patent Law Firms.

A full searchable database of all of the companies along with a downloadable pdf of the publication can be found online at www.1000companies.com.

* Company data as at December 2019 is included in this report

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