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HGF continues to be highly ranked in Chambers and Partners 2022 guide

November 2021

HGF is proud to be ranked in Band 1 for Yorkshire, North West and National Leaders (outside London). The firm is also ranked Band 2 for UK-wide Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys and Band 3 for Midlands.

We are also delighted to have Martyn Fish, Antony Gold, Marie McMorrow and Janet Knowles as ranked individuals.

Chambers UK highlights the best law firm departments and solicitors across the country, with rankings across all regions of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales in more than 70 different practice areas. It ranks leading law firm networks around the world, by region and practice area.

Yorkshire: Intellectual Property

Band 1

Martyn Fish Band 1

What the team is known for: Excellent service geared towards sophisticated contentious and non-contentious IP matters in a range of sectors, notably consumer products, engineering, manufacturing and life sciences. Particularly skilled at patent and trade mark infringement disputes, and a go-to for design right matters of all kinds. Able to co-ordinate comprehensive patent prosecution and trade mark filing with its sister patent and trade mark attorney firm, HGF.

Strengths A client says: „HGF Law are thorough, timely and creative in dovetailing the business and legal considerations.“
Work highlights Represented Illinois Tool Works in various licensing and commercial IP matters.

Notable practitioners: Martyn Fish leads the firm’s legal offering and is an IP litigator accomplished in cases involving all core rights. He also advises brand and technology-based businesses on all manner of licence agreements.
„Martyn Fish is unquestionably a top-tier practitioner.“

North West: Intellectual Property

Band 1

Antony Gold, Band 1 and Janet Knowles Band 2

What the team is known for: Sought after for expertise in commercialisation and enforcement matters involving all core IP rights. Acts for clients in sectors including retail, life sciences, higher education and technology, and enjoys strong links with its sister patent and trade mark attorney firm. Frequently instructed on matters of multi-jurisdictional scope.

Strengths A client says: „They are excellent; they’re commercial and efficient.“

Another adds: „They are experts in their field; they treat their customers with respect and affability, they are patient with those who do not understand the law to their level, they are flexible in their approach and they are a pleasure to work with.“

Work highlights: Advised biotechnology company Retrogenix on IP and data protection matters in relation to its development of human cell screening technology.

Notable practitioners: Antony Gold stands out as a leader in the North West intellectual property legal market. Frequently acting for a diverse client roster across trade mark and patent disputes, he is active across sectors ranging from pharmaceuticals to retail.

„Antony Gold is excellent.“He takes the time to understand our business, culture and strategy; his advice is always delivered in a way that suits our business needs. Antony has a depth of knowledge in this field.

Janet Knowles leads the firm’s non-contentious and transactional IP offering, and is adept at matters involving all core rights. She has extensive experience in patent applications and licensing, and is frequently instructed by clients in the pharmaceutical industry.
„We hire Janet Knowles because of her legal knowledge on IP; she is genuinely world-class. I have no hesitation in bringing Janet in when I have a legal issue requiring expertise – I wouldn’t go anywhere else.“

National Leaders (outside London): Intellectual Property

Band 1

What the team is known for: Sophisticated commercial and contentious brands and patent work, complemented by strong links to sister patent and trade mark attorney firm HGF. Key offices in Leeds, Birmingham and Manchester.

Notable practitioners: Key contacts include Marie McMorrow in Birmingham, Martyn Fish in Leeds, and Antony Gold and Janet Knowles in Manchester.

UK-Wide: Intellectual Property: Patents and Trade Mark Attorneys

Band 2

What the team is known for: One of the UK’s largest patent and trade mark firms with the resources to handle complex and international mandates, including litigation support. Impressive client base in numerous sectors including hi-tech, life sciences and universities. Also advises on the IP implications of technology-driven corporate deals as well as licensing and R&D agreements. Has offices in Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Munich.

Strengths An interviewee says: „My overall impression of HGF is that their attorneys are all very seasoned and are experts in their fields. For bet-the-company cases or other high-stakes matters, I strongly recommend them.“

One client says: „It is their expertise and commercial focus that makes them a go-to firm. They also have the scale and the international reach.“
Work highlights Defended Sky Insurance in the trade mark dispute brought by Sky UK Limited. Also acted on the counterclaim to invalidate Sky UK Limited’s registered UK and EUIPO trade mark rights in ‘SKY’ for insurance services based on earlier unregistered trade mark rights.

Notable practitioners: Senior partner Harry Hutchinson is a key contact.

Midlands: Intellectual Property

Band 3

Marie McMorrow Band 1

What the team is known for: Full-service IP practice which works closely with its sister patent and trade mark attorney firm. Counsels clients on patent, design and trade mark registration. Deep well of experience in IP litigation, including before the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court and High Court.

Strengths A client reports: „We have been pleased with HGF – they offer an unusual breadth of experience, particularly when addressing non-standard issues.“

Another adds: „They provide us with the quick, commercial advice we need.“

Work highlights: Represented Full Support Healthcare in parallel import and trade mark infringement proceedings against Turkish entities violating the client’s intellectual property.

Notable practitioners: Marie McMorrow is highly sought after for her experience in trade mark, copyright and patent disputes. She is frequently instructed on complex cross-border IP matters and regularly appears before the High Court and IPEC.
„Brilliant – very pragmatic, down to earth, and will effectively get the answer that you need.““Marie McMorrow has a great talent for translating complex engineering terms into law and explaining what she’s done to a wide and diverse set of parties. She is the go-to.“

For more information on Chambers and Partners see here.

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