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IAM Patent 1000 2022

Juli 2022

The IAM Patent 1000 – the world’s leading patent professionals 2022 guide has now been published. HGF has 23 European attorneys listed.

Firm rankings

Scotland – Gold

„HGF is one of Europe’s most prominent patent attorney outfits, and of its 22 offices across the United Kingdom and the continent, three are in Scotland. From bases in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow it provides the gamut of services to the Scottish market, combining local knowledge with the international outlook inherent in a firm of its size…“

England – Silver

„As one of the fastest-growing patent prosecution practices in Europe and one of the most oft seen in proceedings before the EPO, HGF is a solid choice for those who want a strategy that will protect their rights continent- and world-wide. Despite its size, the firm does not compromise on quality, and is responsible for a major chunk of patents drafted for UK universities, meaning it sits at the heart of innovation in every sector…“

Ireland – Silver

„HGF has been Europe’s most rapidly expanding patent prosecution outfit in recent years, so it makes sense that it would want to position itself in the EU’s largest English-speaking country. The group’s two Irish bases – in Dublin and Westport – collaborate with its 21 other offices in seven European countries to serve clients on a continent-wide basis…“

Netherlands – Bronze

„Since setting up shop in The Hague in 2015, HGF has invested greatly in its local team, and to great effect, as the squad now services an ever-growing and varied clientele who all appreciate the European outfit’s cosmopolitan approach…“

European Patent Office – Silver

Individual rankings

HGF is delighted to have 23 European attorneys listed within the latest IAM Patent 1000 guide from our offices in England, Scotland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Germany and Austria.

About IAM 1000

IAM Patent 1000 is a unique guide that identifies the top patent professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe. It shines a spotlight on the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in this pivotal area of practice. Now in its eleventh year, the guide is the definitive resource for those seeking to identify world-class individual and firm-wide private practice patent expertise.

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