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WTR 1000 2020

Februar 2020

World Trade Mark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trade mark Professionals 2020 guide has now been pubished and HGF are proud to have 13 Attorneys listed.

The 13 Attorneys listed in the guide are:

As well as individual rankings, we are also delighted to have been named a leading trade mark firm in England, Scotland and Benelux.

United Kingdom

The guide states “Leeds-based specialist HGF Ltd aims to be Europe’s leading IP filer – a goal which does not look out of reach considering the rate of growth that it has enjoyed across the continent of late. A March 2019 merger with Patronus IP strengthened and expanded the firm’s German and Austrian capabilities, while its Amsterdam-based trade mark team continues to grow and to attract top-level patrons. Offering the full range of trade mark attorney services, from opposition actions to clearance searches, there is little that HGF cannot do in Europe. Leading peers across the United Kingdom in particular report that they hear from the side a lot; it is clearly also expanding its domestic presence and reach at lightning speed. This growth has in no way come at the expense of attention to detail: “Pragmatic and attuned to business requirements, HGF is able to adapt itself well to clients’ preferred ways of working.” For the full review click here.


The guide states “HGF is a dynamic firm that continues to grow year on year. Clients love it and it is little wonder that it is among one of the biggest and most renowned IP outfits in Europe. It attracts good, ambitious people who perfect the balance between being complete professionals while also being friendly and approachable to work with.” For the full review click here.


The guide states “Having already established a significant presence in the United Kingdom, HGF Ltd is now making strategic inroads into Europe. In the last 12 months alone, the patent and trade mark firm has opened offices in Heidelberg, Munich and Salzburg – and there is more on the horizon. Clients have noticed this expansion, with Spanish multinational Telefonica SA, Thomson Reuters Global Resources, Ford Motors and Boots all entrusting the team with their filing and prosecution work.” For the full review click here.

With 22 offices across the UK, Ireland, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland HGF is ideally placed to continue to handle all EU and UK trade mark, design and other intellectual property matters.

The WTR 1000 research directory, which focuses exclusively on trade mark practices and practitioners, has firmly established itself as the definitive ‘go-to’ resource for those seeking world-class legal trade mark expertise. As with previous editions, to arrive at the 2020 rankings, World Trade mark Review undertook an exhaustive qualitative research project to identify the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in this critical area of practice. When identifying the leading firms, factors such as depth of expertise, market presence and the level of work on which they are typically instructed were all taken into account, alongside positive peer and client feedback. To view the full listing please click here.

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