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WTR 1000 2021

Februar 2021

HGF is delighted that our European trade mark team has been recognised in the gold tier in the World Trade Mark Review 1000.

The firm is also proud to have 13 of our talented European attorneys within our trade mark and law teams to be listed in the guide:

HGF is ranked gold for the United Kingdom (England) and Benelux, as well as being highly ranked in Scotland.


“A well-integrated trademark team that operates seamlessly across the firm’s 21-strong office network makes HGF a powerhouse of brands practice in the United Kingdom and Europe. Attesting to this, the firm ascends to the gold tier for 2021 on a wave of positive feedback: “The people at HGF display great technical ability and dedication; the whole team is incredibly gifted, easy to work with and approachable. The firm provides a lot of added value too, hosting informative training sessions and making sure clients stay up to date on all the latest trademark and IP developments.” “It’s a star performer on all aspects of prosecution, as well as enforcement and anti-counterfeiting. Its service is of the highest grade.” For the full review click here.


“The amount of knowledge at HGF is impeccable and its advice is always up to date, hands-on and pragmatic, with a view to keeping costs low. Its team is flexible and open minded, all while clearing tasks at a rapid pace and keeping an eye on long-term consequences.” The pan-European outfit has enjoyed significant momentum lately, expanding into Dublin and Bern and completing a merger that has extended its reach into Germany and Austria. The Dutch practice is also humming, thanks in no small part to the sterling efforts of all-rounders Alexander Hagen, Kasper Radstake and Pieter de Ruijter.” For the full review click here.


“The Scottish trademark offering of European juggernaut HGF executes with finesse on all manner of prosecution briefs, attracting a steady stream of office actions and advisory work. The firm has three offices stationed across the region, and takes advantage of a squad of over 50 trademark attorneys across Europe and beyond.” For the full review click here.

About WTR 1000

The WTR 1000 research directory, which focuses exclusively on trademark practices and practitioners, has firmly established itself as the definitive ‘go-to’ resource for those seeking world-class legal trademark expertise. As with previous editions, to arrive at the 2021 rankings, World Trademark Review undertook an exhaustive qualitative research project to identify the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in this critical area of practice. When identifying the leading firms, factors such as depth of expertise, market presence and the level of work on which they are typically instructed were all taken into account, alongside positive peer and client feedback.

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