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Luxury Law Summit Europe 2021

August 2021

Veranstaltungsdatum: 22. September 2021

HGF is sponsoring Luxury Law Summit Europe this year which is being held on 22nd September 2021 in London.

The event will bring together General Counsel and business figures from leading luxury brands to discuss how the industry can capitalise on opportunities in the new „Roaring Twenties“.

The agenda will explore topics that really matter to the luxury industry, and the trends shaping tomorrow’s business. One of the workshops on the day will be held by HGF. We will look at ‚Ecommerce, reseller platforms and upcycling‚:

Online shopping has continued to soar in popularity, especially with the pandemic closing traditional bricks and mortar stores. Unfortunately, this has also resulted in an uptick in opportunities for counterfeiters. We look at the various IP protection mechanisms available to safeguard brand’s rights and to reduce infringement issues.

Most of the large well-known platforms have mechanisms in place to help brands protect and enforce their rights. These include traditional takedown procedures seen on Etsy, eBay, Twitter and Facebook, and the suite of services available through Amazon Brand Registry and Alibaba’s IP Protection Platform, both of which assist brand owners with monitoring and enforcing online infringements and brand protection, and additional measures such as eBay’s Authenticity Guarantee programme. The session will cover some of the benefits of these systems and how they can assist brands. We will also look at the interaction of e-commerce platforms and social media platforms and the issues that can arise.

We will also weave into our discussions the increase in upcycling and reselling of fashion items which has now become more prevalent and we will look to discuss and raise questions on the IP implications of the resale of luxury fashion goods.

Workshop will be hosted by HGF’s Trade Mark Director Claire Jones, Senior IP Solicitor Yael Shalem and Trade Mark Director Rebecca Field.

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