PraxisAuril Conference 2022
Mai 2022
PraxisAuril Conference 2022 is being held in Brighton from 6th – 8th June 2022.
This conference has an overarching theme of ‘KE is a People Business’ because we know that connections between people are at the heart of successful knowledge exchange. Conference sessions will centre on three strands:
- Innovative Practice: Knowledge Exchange for a breadth of audiences
- Capacity Building: supporting the KE professional’s skills development
- Universities as Anchor Institutions: journeys along the Research and Knowledge Exchange Continuum.
HGF Trade Mark Director Adjoa Anim will be speaking on a panel on 7th June, where the speakers will discuss Global Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Technology Transfer.
HGF Partner Janet Knowles and Partner & European & UK Patent Attorney Nathan Hinks will also be attending the conference.