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Technology Transfer Primer – IP Management: AI and 5G in healthcare

Dezember 2021

Veranstaltungsdatum: 9. Dezember 2021

The University of Hong Kong is hosting a webinar on ‚IP Management: AI and 5G in healthcare‘ on 9th December 2021 with HGF’s Partner Dr Chris Benson and Patent Director Dr Sofie McPherson speaking.

About the webinar

How to capitalise on the 5G healthcare revolution

This session will explore how 5G wireless technology will revolutionise the healthcare industry. 5G is promising greater bandwidth, faster speeds and lower latency, and with that, to transform industries including healthcare. Virtual patient care, remote robotic surgery and sharing of 3D medical images for diagnosis of specialists located anywhere across the globe are a few examples of transformative changes to come. 5G will not only enable new healthcare services but also improve the workflow of hospitals and healthcare professionals as they evolve from using wired networks to mobile networks. 5G is also considered to expand the wearables market further as wearables will be able to send and receive far greater amounts of data wirelessly than with 4G, providing the wearers and doctors with real-time monitoring data in volumes that will allow much more powerful insight into an individual’s health status. This session will also explore challenges of 5G in the healthcare industry including how to recognise patentable aspects of 5G implementation in the healthcare sector, data security aspects, and how patent owners of 5G technology can license patents for their technology in vertical markets such as wearables.


9th December, 2021


4pm HK Time/8am UK time

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