INTA Trademark Administrators & Practitioners (TMAP) Meeting 2022
August 2022
INTA Trademark Administrators & Practitioners (TMAP) Meeting will be held on 11-12 September 2022 in Virginia, USA.
The TMAP is the premier event for trademark administrators, paralegals, young practitioners, and attorneys who manage a global trademark portfolio. The sessions will range from professional development to social issues in the workplace.
Highlights include:
- Trademark work process improvement and best practices, including tips on managing large TM projects, working effectively with outside counsel and clients, and utilizing today’s IP technology
- Hot topics in online IP protection, including metaverse and brand influencers considerations
- Leadership development opportunities, including a special on The Women’s LeadershIP Initiative
- Career path advice directly geared toward trademark administrators and young practitioners
- Discussions on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in IP practices and the workplace
- Updates on bad faith filings, designs and copyrights, ADR and mediation, domains, and data privacy
HGF National Head of Trade Mark Formalities David Louis and Trade Mark Formalities Officer Melissa Stabler will be attending the event.