Medical devices

New technology and a changing focus is driving growth in the medtech sector.

The changing focus in healthcare from treatment to prevention and an increased user-centric approach is propelling medtech progress. The rapid uptake of technology using the capabilities of consumer devices and wearables, the application of big data and human-led innovation is fueling the wave of change.

Digital technology has entered all aspects of the industry, whether it is companies that specialise in AI and machine learning, robotics, telehealth and apps, or more traditional companies who must adapt and adopt such technologies to survive and thrive.

Medtech is a marketplace with unique challenges – global multinationals sit side-by-side with SMEs, universities and clinician-led innovation, resulting in a commercial playing field rich in collaboration. IP challenges are categorised by the complications of ownership in multi-party projects and the fast-changing case law around patenting in contentious areas such as medical methods, AI, data handling, software and commercialisation. HGF’s multidisciplinary teams are the ideal support in this evolving and complex sector.


Artificial limbs
Medical device

Our medical devices specialists

We’ve built our business by recruiting and developing specialists, not generalists. When it comes to protecting your ideas and business, you want to know you’re working with the best – people who truly understand your sector and the potential of your IP.

HGF’s team has medical devices professionals from an array of academic and business backgrounds. Our team-based approach ensures our clients benefit from the very best strategic advice from people who understand not only the legal environment but also the practical side of your business.

Let's talk

If you would like to discuss how HGF could help you, contact one of our medical devices specialists.

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