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Senior Partner

Leeds Office


Telephone. +44(0) 113 233 0100
Mobile. +44(0) 779 875 7925
Email. [email protected]
UPC Representative
Our team of specialist European patent litigators, oppositions specialists and patent attorneys bring together an extensive depth of legal and technical knowledge and are qualified to represent you in the UPC.


Much of Chris’ practice involves working closely with SMEs, often born out of promising academic research by major UK universities, helping them to develop effective intellectual property strategies and secure multi-million pound investments. He also works with in-house patent attorneys and senior executives at major multinationals, and has expertise in worldwide patent prosecution.

Chris has particular experience in relation to fuel cell technologies, mobile phone antennas, metal coatings, oil and gas exploration, medical devices, civil engineering, electronic article surveillance and endoscopy.

After taking his first degree in natural sciences and a postgraduate diploma in computer science at Christ’s College Cambridge, Chris entered the profession directly in 1991, training with a large private practice firm in London. He qualified in 1995, and joined HGF as a partner in 1999.

Chris is fluent in German, and is experienced in acting before the Opposition and Appeal Divisions of the European Patent Office in Munich.

Chris heads the Engineering team in HGF's Leeds office, and serves as Chair of HGF's Conflicts Committee.


Patent Attorney

Chartered (UK)


Natural Sciences (Cantab)


Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (Cantab)


Postgraduate Certificate in Intellectual Property Law (London)


Intellectual Property Litigation Certificate


"Best for SME IP Strategy - UK", Acquisition International Awards 2015

"UK – Niche Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year (Academic Spin-Off)", ACQ5 Global Awards 2019

"UK – SME Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year", ACQ5 Global Awards 2020


Chris regularly leads tutorials, both in-house and externally, for trainee patent attorneys preparing for UK and European qualifying examinations.

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Let's talk

If you would like to discuss how HGF could help you, contact one of our IP specialists.