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Professional Standards Director & Partner

Sheffield Office


Telephone. +44(0) 114 274 3700
Mobile. +44(0) 771 742 3998
Email. [email protected]
UPC Representative
Our team of specialist European patent litigators, oppositions specialists and patent attorneys bring together an extensive depth of legal and technical knowledge and are qualified to represent you in the UPC.


Estelle is the Director of the Professional Standards function at HGF. Professional Standards works with the firm’s Executive and Board on matters relating to HGF’s professional standards and regulation. The team oversees procedures at HGF through the provision of legal and technical information and advice to our attorneys, our solicitors, and other internal teams to maintain HGF’s high standards of quality, excellence and consistency. Professional Standards at HGF also provides knowledge on IP law and legal and procedural developments, both internally at HGF and externally to clients and associates.

Estelle is a Chartered Patent Attorney and EPA and has worked in Government and University IP departments, as well as private practice and brings a broad range of relevant IP and commercial skills to her role at HGF.


Patent Attorney

Chartered (UK)




Professional Standards


Recording transactions at the EPO: New practice for signatures on evidence

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If you would like to discuss how HGF could help you, contact one of our IP specialists.