IPOwners Spring Summit 2021
April 2021
Event date: 20th April 2021
The 4th Annual IPOwners Spring Summit™ will be held virtually on April 20-21. HGF Partner Lee Curtis will be speaking Tuesday 20th April.
The conference is designed for mid to senior level attorneys with topics directly relevant to in-house counsel and information for outside counsel that will enhance relationship building and productivity with their corporate clients. The program offers two days of education sessions, keynote addresses from Daren Tang (WIPO) and Senator Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), a daily networking lounge in the IPOasis, and a special trivia networking event for attendees on April 20.
Lee Curtis will be joining the Leveraging Data Analytics and AI in Patents and Trademarks session and will focus on trade mark law:
This session will address how to leverage data and AI within your organisation. Speakers will discuss how organisations are gathering and analysing information about their industries, business environments, competitors, and competitive products and services to help identify gaps and develop strategies. Topics may include tools that help with drafting applications, searches, prep and pros, and portfolio management.